Results of the 11th DIMACS Competition on Steiner Tree Problems


Heuristic Challenge, 1 Thread

Primal Bound Primal Integral
ClassFormula 1AverageFormula 1Average
SPG PUW mozartballs PUW staynerd
RPCST KTS mozartballs scipjack scipjackspx KTS mozartballs scipjack scipjackspx KTS KTS
PCSPG staynerd staynerd KTS mozartballs
HCDST stephop-ls4 stephop-ls4 stephop-ls4 stephop-ls4
DCST mozartballs scipjack mozartballs mozartballs
STPRBH viennaNodehopper viennaNodehopper viennaNodehopper viennaNodehopper
MWCS mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs

Heuristic Challenge, 8 Threads

Primal Bound Primal Integral
ClassFormula 1AverageFormula 1Average
SPG staynerd mozartduet staynerd staynerd
RPCST fscipjack fscipjackspx mozartballs fscipjack fscipjackspx mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs
PCSPG mozartduet mozartduet mozartballs mozartduet
DCST mozartballs fscipjackspx mozartballs mozartballs
STPRBH viennaNodehopper viennaNodehopper viennaNodehopper viennaNodehopper
MWCS mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs

Exact Challenge, 1 Thread

Gap Time
ClassFormula 1AverageFormula 1Average
SPG mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs
RPCST mozartballs scipjack scipjackspx mozartballs scipjack scipjackspx scipjack scipjack
PCSPG mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs
DCST mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs
MWCS mozartballs mozartballs heinz-no-dc mozartballs

Exact Challenge, 8 Threads

Gap Time
ClassFormula 1AverageFormula 1Average
SPG mozartballs mozartduet mozartballs mozartballs
RPCST fscipjack fscipjackspx mozartballs fscipjack fscipjackspx mozartballs fscipjack fscipjack
PCSPG mozartballs mozartduet mozartballs mozartballs
DCST mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs mozartballs
MWCS mozartballs mozartballs heinz-no-dc mozartballs